Öun Drinks

Öun Drinks OÜ

Our story started with saving perfectly good apples that were piling up in piles and quickly turned into a determined goal to share good emotions with the world through drinks made from apples.

At Öun we do things differently. We did away with the usual spelling of the Estonian word for apple, Õun, and choose the local Ösel dialect spelling instead, Öun. This subtle but big difference better reflects our roots and community connection to the idyllic island of Saaremaa (Ösel), where we call home. At our core (apple pun intended) we’re an independent community-focused maker of awesome tasting alcohol-free organic beverages.

Working with our passionate apple geeks (they’re actually super smart scientists), we let nature be our inspiration in creating our unique flavour combos. By using humble garden ingredients like gooseberries, rhubarb, and fresh mint, with more complex components like spruce, juniper, or maple, our distinct drink flavours are designed to truly tempt your taste buds.

It’s important to us as individuals and as a company to be accountable for everything we do. And we practice what we preach; from choosing the best apples from sustainable orchards, to using ethical partners, even down to our company culture. Everyday we strive to do business in a more enlightened way, taking full responsibility for the impact our business has both on the environment and society.

We know that to fulfil our goal of becoming the drink of choice for a new generation of health-conscious consumers will take a whole lot of hard work. But it’s a journey. And we know we’ll get there, one sip at a time.

How products are sold?





Juhan Kanemägi

Phone: +372 5341 5691
E-mail: juhan@oundrinks.com

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