Organic Estonia is an umbrella organization

Who we are?

Organic Estonia is an umbrella organization that serves as a B2B platform for organic companies, bringing together providers of certified and natural products of Estonia for the purposes of joint marketing and export.

The members of Organic Estonia are organic economy companies whose business activities follow sustainable, organic and green mentality and are environmentally friendly business practices that create products and services with higher added value or which are certified.

What we do?

We represent Estonian organic companies abroad through the joint marketing portfolio.

We consult and provide advice to international companies for finding organic farming and natural products partners in Estonia.

We facilitate and encourage entrepreneurs to develop new products and services that have high added value and export potential.

We are the international cooperation partner for the respective organic organisations abroad.

We organize joint marketing campaigns for Estonian companies in retail chains abroad.

For example, in areas such as wood industry, the use of biological resources, organic farming, organic food and catering; fisheries and aquaculture, ecological and natural pharmaceutics, eco-cosmetics and eco-cleaners; ecological and health tourism; organic textiles and wool and so on.

Our members certifications