With the support of EAS (Enterprise Estonia) Organic Estonia has set in motion a pilot project, which has been joined by 14 companies so far. Export project with the code name “Great Britain- Denmark- Germany” has reached second phase. In cooperation with Estonian Embassy in Denmark we are preparing B2B meetings in Estonian Embassy in Copenhagen.
“Even though Danish are open to trying out new technologies, Danish consumers are pretty conservative and prefer products which have proved themselves or are connected with the Nordic countries. In the segment of organic food Denmark is one of the leading edge countries and this part of the niche market is growing fast, reaching 10% of the total food market. Consumers are more and more interested in wholesomeness, environmental conservation, ethical treatment of animals, quality and, of course, taste.” (source EAS).
The CEO of Organic Estonia Krista Kulderknup: “Estonian organic producers are generally small businesses, who need marketing support and consultancy for successful exporting. Within the export pilot project we advise companies about products, packages, script/translation and also preparation of the homepage. Export project was started to prepare Estonian organic producers for export and to test cooperative marketing possibilities.”

This year we opened web-based cooperative marketing platform www.organicestonia.org to introduce Estonian organic and natural product companies in external markets. Cooperative marketing platform is directed to purchasing managers, for whom we offer the products of Estonian organic companies as a joint portfolio which includes different producers and product categories. This way Estonian companies are not competing with each other but focus is on the capacity of the supply chain.
Estonian organic producers will meet local purchasing managers, who represent dairy, meat, beverages, food supplement and spice categories, in Estonian Embassy in Copenhagen on June 13th. Participating companies are Chaga LLC, Magusameistrid LLC, Must Küüslauk LLC, Saidafarm LLC, Paljumäe Talu LLC, Moe LLC, Liivimaa Lihasaaduste Wabrik LLC, Amoor LLC and Sirloin LLC.
We will continue with the organic export pilot project this autumn in Germany. New interested parties, please send an email about the participation wish to info@organicestonia.ee