Organic Estonia, in cooperation with Honorary Consul of Denmark Filip Dalthur Rasmussen, has compiled a project – “Green Nordic Business and Culture Events between Estonia & Denmark 2021-2023”. 26.01.21, the Organic Estonia team presented the project to the Mayors of Tallinn. Filip Dalthur Rasmussen also took part in the meeting via Skype, introducing the project from the Danish side.

The aim of the project: to contribute to the achievement of the ambitions of Tallinn as a Green Capital so that Tallinn will officially receive the title of Green Capital, which will attract European and also global attention in the form of a sustainable economy, healthy and happy residents and capable companies. The share of tourists interested in the environment and appreciating small footprint is growing, as well as investments in innovative solutions and the success of unicorns in the field of green and organic.
One of the prerequisites for the success of the Green City title is a conscious example of cooperation with cities/countries and the integration of their key areas and system models into the plans of Tallinn.
Denmark is one of the leading Nordic countries in terms of the ambitions and actions of green, organic, and sustainable bio- and circular economy, whose values have contributed to the change in the country and cities. Denmark and Copenhagen are attractive tourist destinations and are valued by tourists for their green way of thinking and values.
The Honorary Consul of Denmark, together with Organic Estonia, proposes a cooperation plan in three main fields for three years, 2021-2023:

1.Green ambition in the city – 100% integration of organic food in the dining places of government authorities
Organic Estonia’s international partner is Organic Denmark, which started 12 years ago with the integration of a comprehensive organic food program into the city’s children’s institutions and schools, which also brought one important point of support for the title of Green Capital of Copenhagen in 2014.
As a result of this comprehensive program, these activities, in turn, gave momentum to the whole country’s organic farming – growth in production volumes, the emergence of cooperatives, improvement of raw material quality, cooperation between farmers and researchers, growth of investment in regional agriculture, new digital and IT solutions, digitization, increase in robotics and innovation. Systemic nature, order, and results emerged in the field. Domestic communication between the parties improved, self-sufficiency capability with food increased. A shift of the valorizers-producers of Danish food to the use of local organic raw materials, job creation in rural areas, more fertile soils, clean groundwater – equals happier and healthier people.
This field was led and coordinated with partners by Organic Denmark.
2.Promoting cooperation of local business – exports
To succeed in the export market today, the keyword is crucial – the company must follow the environmental impact in its operations, use clean, organic, and natural raw materials and keep its footprint to a minimum. Consumer expectations have changed. In Estonia, the members of Organic Estonia are about 50 companies, whose target group is people with more recent values. It is possible to sell successfully in the export target market if
1.the country, the city is well known for its values and distinctiveness, and the consumer relates to the values of the partner,
2.there is so-called cross-marketing between business areas – organic food, natural products, and design are sold and marketed in the selected area through tourism marketing and sales activities with the right information and consistent activities.
3.The pilot plan has been prepared for three years. Building and maintaining relationships between cities and mayors and cooperation projects (PR) play a very important role in promoting entrepreneurship and tourism.
3. A new concept of transnational tourism and increasing the flow of tourists
Tourists from the Nordic countries are not active visitors to Tallinn and Estonia. However, introducing a “right” story or legend leads a tourist to feel that there is something in common between the two countries, we are acquaintances, friends, and we also visit each other. The story that the Danes can expect that binds us together is the King of Denmark Valdemar II Winner and the history of obtaining the Danish flag. This would be the new focus that binds us firmly to Denmark and that the Danes would care about.
Every Dane could come and see the place where the Danish flag fell and where King Valdemar got it.
Another common part of today is the integration of the best practices of the title of Green Capital, for example, the organic food model in cooperation with Danish experts. To achieve the introduction of organic food, not only in public institutions but also in cafes, restaurants, storerooms, etc., both the active use of the organic food label and the wider promotion of the “Green Key” all the way to the provision of the “organic tourism service packages.”
In summer 2019, Tallinn can boast of a magnificent collaboration event in celebration of the Day of the flag of the Kingdom of Denmark flag (or Dannebrog) wherein both countries and in the cities of Tallinn and Vordigborg events took place simultaneously, the main initiator of the event taking place in Tallinn was also attended by the Danish Estonian honorary consul Filip Dalthur Rasmussen with the Embassy. On the occasion of this important event for the Danes, 10,000 Danish guests arrived in Tallinn for only a few days, which shows that the celebration of this event was important to the Danes. The launch of the marketing campaign – to celebrate the anniversary of the Danish flag in both countries – was a very right step that the Danes appreciated.

At the same time, Organic Estonia cooperated with the Estonian Embassy in Denmark and set up Vordingborgs Estonian tent of representation together with Tallinn Design House organic producers and creative companies to introduce Estonia. Danish Crown Prince Frederik and his wife also visited the Estonian tent.

WE ARE MAKING A PROPOSAL to the Mayor and leaders of Tallinn to launch a 3-year cooperation project between countries and cities in 2021-2023 on the topics described above.
In order to continue this cooperation between the cities and to achieve a bigger and more ambitious result, we first invite the Mayor of Tallinn together with the leaders. 15. in June 202, in Vordingborg, together with local mayors, entrepreneurs, and tourism representatives, to celebrate the Danish flag day and participate in the subsequent reception on the topic of Estonia and Tallinn together with exporting companies and with the participation of Danish purchasing managers and decision-makers. Today, a minimum of 10 companies of organic and natural products are exporting to Denmark.